Ages 14-15 years


30-60 minutes




Dish Soap, Rubber Gloves, Paper Towels, Windex, Steel Wool, Microfiber Rag, Kitchen Towels, Stick Vacuum, Swiffer



SNAP to it !

Some teens have already accomplished this task on their own. More than likely, it is not because you have a child who wants to do something nice for their parents. (You overachiever parents need to sit this one out because the rest of us need to process here;0)  A lot of kids this age have – let’s say- ulterior motives. I am sure you know when you are being played. So, if they have already completed this task, good for you! They have demonstrated that they can clean an entire kitchen by themselves. Check the box. From now on, expect it. And move on. 


If your child has not cleaned the entire kitchen alone, there is nothing wrong with your parenting. Start assigning a night on the weekend when your child is entirely responsible for ensuring the kitchen is clean before bed. This means all the dishes are either in the dishwasher washed or scrubbed and put away. It also means counters and appliances are wiped clean, the floor swept, and the trash removed. If for some reason, one of those tasks is not completed, it will be waiting for them to complete the next day. Please do not do it for them. Gently remind them and negotiate a deadline. “Can you have it done in the next hour?”  If they are respectful, let them respond and tell you when they can complete the task. Because the kitchen in most homes is used a lot, it is not advised to wait too long because things will get dirty again, and the lines of what is their responsibility will get blurred pretty fast.  


 This task is difficult sometimes. Even the best kids can get it right one day and tank the next. Be patient, have lots of conversations, and don’t give up.   Make sure and thank them for their hard work!