Ages 12-13 years


15-20 minutes




Microwave, Lemon, Cup, Water, Dish Soap, Paper Towels


Yard, Garage

SNAP to it !

You may think this microwave task could have been learned in the last age level. You are right. The only reason it is added to this level is that reaching some microwaves And cleaning the glass turntable without breaking it is a bit difficult. 


You’ve probably seen some of the easy ways to clean out a microwave. Some of them are more helpful than others. The one we like the best is taking a lemon, cutting it in half, squeezing it, and leaving it in a microwave-safe cup. Then fill the cup With water. Stick the mug in the microwave and turn it on high for two minutes. The key is to leave the door shut for 10 minutes after it is finished. Then take the cup out and dump it. Take out the turntable and place it in the sink. T 


Hopefully, the steam from a cup of lemon water will soften the cooked-on food. Take paper towels and dampen them with a little Windex. Then, wipe out the microwave. Spraying a cleaner in the microwave is not a good idea as it can get into the crevices and cause your Food to taste funny. 


Wash and dry the glass turntable and place it back in the clean microwave.