Ages 9-11 years


30 minutes




Lawn, mower, mower power source like gas or electric, Eye Protection, Sunglasses, Closed Toed Shoes, Kid Size Work Gloves



SNAP to it !

This task is the larger-scale version of cleaning the sink. It can be added to the other bathroom tasks, and your child could effectively clean a whole bathroom by themselves.   WOOHOO! 


We have lived in several different homes with different types of bathtubs/showers and many other materials. I have found that that comment type of cleanser is best for all of them. It has been a concern that perhaps the cleanser is too abrasive, and we’ll scratch the material. I have not experienced that. I have discovered that the cleanser does clean the soap scum very well, and it is relatively easy to use. You are encouraged to try other products as well. You may find something better that you like using. 


To prepare for this big task, have your child put an old dry towel in front of the tub or shower. This is for when they get out, and their feet are wet. Also, have them put on shorts or roll up their pants legs. Run the water until hot and spray down the tile, tub, or shower walls (including the glass shower door). A sprayer is helpful, but a large plastic cup will also work.   And turn off the water and sprinkle the cleanser over the wet surfaces. Use a clean microfiber cloth that has been dampened. Start at the edge, working in sections, and have them scrub in circular motions until they have scrubbed the entire tub/shower. Then get the sprayer and turn it on warm (not hot). Rinse down the whole surface that has just been scrubbed. Sometimes the cleanser dries a little, and they may need to go back and wipe it as they rinse it. Make sure and have them rinse the shower floor or bottom of the tub until all of the cleanser residue is washed down the drain. Usually, the best way to do this is to rinse from the outside or farthest plays from the drain, moving toward the drain as they rinse. Use Windex and a paper towel to wipe both sides of the glass in the shower.   


Put away the supplies and toss the old towel in the towel basket. NOW GET ICE CREAM!