Ages 6-8 years


20 minutes


Weekly during the fall


Rake, Yard bags



SNAP to it !

Kids at this age have a lot of energy. They really can learn to help out in the yard alongside a parent as they are working. There are so many schools of thought about leaves. Do you mulch them? Do you throw them away? Do you leave them? (Put so intended;0) You decide.

Make sure you help your child understand how things are disposed of in your area. Also, make sure their yard gloves fit properly. It’s just so hard to do a job when you constantly have to adjust because your gloves don’t fit. Have them rake the leaves in a pile just like they did with sweeping. Start from the outside perimeter of the yard and work their way to the middle. You can also work with them to work in sections. The caveat is that smaller piles are not that fun to jump into.

This brings us to the subject of playing. For anyone to really enjoy the work they do, it has to be fun. And no, “Satisfaction of a job well done” is NOT the definition of fun we mean here. So, let them play! Play with them. You may want to set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes so that everyone is on the same page and has the exact expectations.

Another fun thing I have seen is using the bags of leaves to make yard décor. This would be a great project if you want to make the time to do it. You would definitely need to plan ahead on this one.