Ages 6-8 years


15-20 minutes




Stick vacuum


Kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom, basement, laundry room

SNAP to it !

It is finally time to allow your child to utilize the stick vacuum.  They will need to be briefed on the safety of plugging in and unplugging an appliance as well as water safety.  Also, finding available plugs in the house is very important.

GAME- Sticky Plug- You take sticky notes and number them 1-10 or more.  Just place them around the house.  Maybe have a point system where they see how many they can collect on a scavenger hunt of sorts.  Making them different colors and using small ones makes this game even more challenging.  BUT it does help them to pay attention to where available plugs are located in the house.

When they are ready, start by showing them how to empty the vacuum.  Most of these stick brooms have a special filter that if thrown away, they render the vacuum out of order.  Show them where you want them to empty the vacuum as well.  We used to have a rule that we emptied vacuum cleaners in the garage trash so we didn’t make a mess on the kitchen floor.  Just make sure you observe them emptying it and preserving it’s parts several times before you let them fly solo.

Remind them that vacuuming is a lot like sweeping AND mopping at the same time.  The matter it picks ups is much like that of the broom.  The manner in which it is used is more like a damp mop.

Get them in the habit of emptying it after use and before putting it away.  Also, explain to them how to wrap the cord and let them practice a few times (if needed) as you observe.  This prevents avoidable accidents.