Ages 3-5 years


2-5 minutes


1-2 times daily


Dog Food, Cat Food, Animal Food Bowl, Animal Water Bowl



SNAP to it !

Before you read this and think you need to go out and get an animal, so your child learns responsibility- STOP! This is just for those with an existing pet. While having a house full of animals is dandy, it may not be the perfect choice for your family. Read the Blog on GETTING ANIMALS. I shared our experiences, advice, and wisdom.

This age group is so very impressionable. They like making grand gestures, and feeding the family pets are GRAND! As the title implies, you can’t and should not put this responsibility on a preschooler. They just are not there mentally or physically.

You CAN use this opportunity to train and mentor them in Animal Care. Hand off or show them how to put a scoop of food in the dog or cat bowl.       You can open the canned food and then hand it off for them to put in the dog or cat bowl. Be aware that preschoolers can get cut easily on cans because they have not yet developed fine motor skills, and their hands are tiny, so they tend to grasp utensils parallel to the can’s edge. That could make for a trip to the ER. So, maybe you put the canned food in the bowl and let them stir it.

You CAN also let them use the water hose to fill outside water bowls or several trips to the refrigerator with a glass to fill up an inside water bowl. But you will need to carry heavy dog water bowls. While you refill the water bowl, you can talk about how the animals need to eat like us.

While this may slow you down, make the time to do it. It is a rewarding experience for your child, and they are learning to care for another being.    Your animals also realize that your child is their master and above them in the food chain. (As it should be)