Ages 1-2 years


1 minute


After taking off their clothes


Laundry Hamper



SNAP to it !

When we first adopted, we moved to a bigger house with a laundry chute.  Nice, right?  Not so much.  Since it was in the kid’s bathroom, all five kids would take off their clothes and watch it slide down the chute.  All of the clothes would pile up in the cabinet above the chute.  The cabinet was located right above the washer and dryer.  So, when you opened it, all the clothes would tumble onto the washer and dryer, on the floor in front of them, and somehow make their way to the small gap behind them.  UGH!

After a few weeks of that, I was done!  (Also, it interfered with us playing sardines because the kid who hid there needed a good bath afterward)  So, I went to the store and bought 5 new hampers, one for each child.  I pulled out the markers and let them go to town decorating them, so everyone knew exactly which one was theirs.

Then, to cut down on laundry traffic, I assigned everyone their day to do laundry, whether or not they could work the washer and dryer.  I could still focus on one child at a time and ensure their clothes were put away correctly.

Keep the hamper wherever you feel it fits best with your routine.  Make a game out of it.  Wad the clothes in a ball and throw.  SCORE!  You made it in the basket!