Ages 6-8 years


10-15 minutes




Sink, Comet Cleanser, Microfiber Rag, Windex, Paper Towels


Kitchen, Bathroom

SNAP to it !

You may have already been showing your child how to rinse and wipe out the sink after they brush their teeth. You may have even used their love of the spray bottle to clean the sink. However, sinks typically need a good scrub once a week to reduce the germ population.

You may have already been showing your child how to rinse and wipe out the sink after they brush their teeth. You may have even used their love of the spray bottle to clean the sink. However, sinks typically need a good scrub once a week to reduce the germ population.

Because bathroom sinks are probably the second most germ attraction in the home, I use Comet cleanser on them too! It kills germs and has enough abrasive action to remove toothpaste scum.

First, have your child take a cup and use it to wet/rinse the sink. Then take a clean rag and get it wet. Then turn off the water and sprinkle Comet all over the inside of the sink. Take the rag and use gentle pressure in a circular motion to scrub the sink. (It is at this moment, while they are scrubbing, that you should look in the mirror. Raise your chin a bit and have a Mr. Miyagi moment. (Karate Kid movie)

Then have them rinse the rag well and use either the rag or a cup to rinse the sink. You can either have them use the rag to wipe off the faucet and handle(s) or use Windex to clean them. We usually used the Windex anyway because the Comet leaves a residue. It is hard to rinse the Comet over the faucet as the water goes all over the counter.

This task goes hand in hand with the CLEAN TOILET task and can be easily combined with the DAMP MOP, so your young elementary school child could clean a half bath by themselves! Look at you! You go! Parent of the year!

You could also accomplish this by having your child use a Clorox wipe to clean the faucet and the sink itself. I just found that we used too many wipes and still could not get the job done quite well.