Ages 9-11 years


15-20 minutes




Carpet, Vacuum Cleaner, Trash Can


Living Room, Bedroom, Closet, Basement

SNAP to it !

I don’t know about you, but our floors constantly get dirty. A mess seems to still accumulate on the carpet even after most of the children have grown up and moved on into adulthood. This mess is partly due to the geriatric zoo the grown children left with us. My point is that carpets get messy no matter how many people are at home. 


By now, your child has become proficient at using the stick vacuum. The larger vacuum or regular vacuum you use on the carpet is not much different. Though some nuances exist, there shouldn’t be much more to learn. Ensure they know how to empty the vacuum and put it back together.  


Observe them as they vacuum a room and help them as they manipulate the cord so as not to run over it.  


There are a lot of things to vacuum. The temptation is to assign all the carpets in the house. You will need to make this reasonable: e.g., vacuum one room a day- maybe just their bedroom to start.