Ages 16-18 years


30-60 minutes




Driver's License, Car


Living Room, Laundry Room, Yard, Basement, Garage, Closet Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen

SNAP to it !

You will not be able to fully accomplish this task until your teenager gets their license. When they do, life really changes! They are looking for legitimate excuses to drive. Why not choose some errands you would like them to care for you? 


One of the most practical and most accessible errands is that of running to a familiar grocery store. You have already had them plan a meal and shop for it, so they know where things are located inside the store.   


Another practical errand is transporting siblings and themselves back and forth between two activities. This encourages more mature bonding between siblings and helps them stay connected. 


Taking their housekeeping skills and sharing them with others is a really rewarding errand that requires a bit of time investment. Perhaps you have a family member or someone you know through the church that needs help with cleaning tasks and errands run for them?   


The sky is the limit with running errands. Remember to start small and expand as they are able. Keep communication lines open and ensure they are not overwhelmed, as their education and extra-curricular activities are a huge commitment for them.