Ages 14-15 years


60 minutes




Car Soap, Shop Vac, Paper Towels, Windex, Wax, Microfiber Rag, Microfiber Towels, Trash Bag



SNAP to it !

This is another task where your teen has already done each of the tasks individually, and now we are putting it together as a much larger task. Instead of assigning them to vacuum the carpet, clean the windows, wash the outside of the car, and wax the vehicle, you can assign “car detail” because they do understand all of the smaller tasks are now steps to complete this much larger task. 


A good practice, if you haven’t already started it, is to have weekly planning meetings with your teens so that you can discuss and plan times for tasks. My husband faithfully has family staff meetings. Our children jokingly act as if they are having a neurological breakdown when they hear the “staff meeting” phrase. They are fine. However, it is pretty comical to observe. 


Ultimately you are training your teen to keep their own vehicle clean. There are a whole lot of theories and personal family business that could be unpacked in this discussion. Whatever your plans are for helping your teen get their license and have a vehicle to drive, this could be used as a responsibility gauge.   


You’re welcome!