Ages 9-11 years


several 10 minute increments over 2-3 hours




Bed Linens, Washer, Dryer, Laundry Detergent, Fabric Softener


Bedroom, Laundry Room

SNAP to it !

It’s time to add another layer to the laundry responsibility. Your child already knows how to operate the washer and the dryer and make their own bed. So, this step is not so advanced that they will have trouble with it. 


You will need to choose how often (we suggest every week) and then show them how to strip the bed and how much will fit into the washer at once. It is best to wash the sheets first and then the blankets and comforters. We had to teach our children how to flip their comforters inside out a few times to get them completely dry.


When the linens are done, help them put them back on the bed. The biggest problem kids this age have is getting the fitted sheet on the bed correctly. The best way to teach them how to do this, even if you do it differently, is to start with one corner and get it on straight. Then move to the opposite diagonal corner and get that on straight, then add in the other two corners. You may need to work with them a few times to get this right. But they should know how to take it from there and get the rest of the bed made.