Ages 6-8 years


10-20 minutes


Weekly on yard day


5 gallon paint bucket with handle, Plastic Trash Bag, Pooper Scooper, Kid Size Garden Gloves (not required)



SNAP to it !

One of my favorite sayings is, “Everybody’s poop stinks!”  This statement is true for dog poop too.  If you have the luxury of living out in the country, you may not have the problem of your dog’s poop collecting in an area before it decomposes.  But, in town, where your dog poops in the yard, you have to scoop it.  How often you do this job really depends on the yard and the size of your dog.  Big dogs poop more.

This task pairs well with yard work.  It is super important BEFORE you mow.

A 5-gallon paint bucket works best as it is easy to carry and is a suitable receptacle size.  Show your child how to put the bag in and secure the trash bag around the edge.  It helps to tie the bag around the handle where it meets the lip of the bucket.  Show them how to use the scooper and let them demonstrate it back to you.  Then show them how to methodically walk the yard and scan the area to find the “doggy surprises.”  Observe them periodically to verify they are doing the job well.

When they are finished, untie the bag and then tie it closed before placing it in the trash receptacle.  Take care that the receptacle does not set in direct heat for an extended period, as the methane in the feces is combustible.