Ages 9-11 years


30-60 minutes




Recipe, kitchen utensils, dishes, pots and pans, small appliances, large appliances


Yard, Garage

SNAP to it !

One of the things we started doing with our children is teaching them how to cook sides first. We would allow them to choose a side for the meal and teach them how to cook it. We started with opening cans or getting frozen vegetables out of the freezer and reheating them. We showed them how to use seasonings and herbs to augment the flavor. Then we began having them Learn how to make things that required mixing first. (these things included cake, muffin, waffle, and cornbread mixes)

We made our own macaroni and cheese, and they learned how to bake potatoes, prepare and roast vegetables in the oven, and make sides in the crock pot. An inspiring way to bring them into this new kitchen and venture is to discuss the menu, get their input on what they want to make, and let them go to the store with you to pick out the ingredients.

This important step will pay dividends in the next few years as they begin making their own breakfasts and lunches.