Ages 12-13 years


30 minutes




Vacuum, Clean Air Filters, Large Trash Bags, Paper Towels, Windex, Stool


Living Room, Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom, Basement, Laundry Room

SNAP to it !

If you live in a home with central heat or air, you most likely have air filters that must be changed monthly. Use this opportunity to discuss with your child the importance of maintaining The system. 


Some businesses now deliver these air filters every month, which helps remind you to change them. You can also order them by mail Or pick them up at the store while you run errands. However you do it, this is an excellent task for your middle school child. 


It is a great habit to set aside the first Saturday of the month to do some of these monthly maintenance tasks. They may need to make several trips to gather all the necessary items to complete this task and gather materials. This way, they know exactly where they are located. 


Take the old filter out and immediately slide it into the trash bag. It may be that more than one filter will fit into a single trash bag. If this is so, have them set the trash bag upright, so the dust does not get all over the floor. They may need help climbing the ladder with the vacuum cleaner to vacuum the vent grate and the area around the filter. Then have them dampen a paper towel and wipe down any area they could not get clean with the vacuum cleaner. Place the new filter into the filter slot and close the grate. Repeat this process for every place there is an air filter. 


Have them take the trash out and return the tools to where they belong. YAY!