Ages 3-5 years


5 minutes


In between laundry cycles


Washer, Dryer, Basket, Laundry


Laundry Room

SNAP to it !

The incremental approach to laundry may seem like an unnecessary evil.  Why don’t we just wait until they are teens and teach them once?  To intend a pun, Piling It On is not the way to go.  We are working on developing and imprinting habits into their young minds.  Besides, every little bit helps.

Since there is another laundry task in this age group, as the parent, you get to decide which one to start first.  This one is by far the easier one, but they can both be taught simultaneously.

It is best to start on the day you do their laundry.  If they are curious and follow you to the laundry, it is natural to get them involved with helping switch out the laundry.  If they don’t seem too interested and don’t have any interest, hide some money in the washer and dryer.  Tell them that sometimes you get “paid” to do this job.  LOL  Then, when you hear the buzzer, ask them to switch out the loads and tell you when the washer is empty.  You can put in the next washer load and turn on the machines.

Now, before the cotton-headed ninny muggings of the world start finding fault with the idea of hiding money in the laundry, let us address the fact that you will need to remind them about integrity and returning things people lose.  However, I do believe that it is equally the responsibility of the person who wore the clothes to have some respect and empty their pockets.  A few things will reduce this problem because each individual has their own hamper, and their laundry is being done by itself.  Also, learning how to do their own laundry is at the next level.  They will just be excited to find their own money unless they are filing paperwork with the state for their own small business called “Coin Finders.”  Otherwise, they will move on and find other ways to earn a living.