Ages 3-5 years


5 minute


Whenever they need a drink or snack time


Kid cup, Step Stool or chair, Simple Snacks, Kid cup tray



SNAP to it !

Children need to drink water in between meals to keep them hydrated. They also need several small meals or snacks in between meals to keep up with their metabolism.

Part of training them to be self-sufficient is to teach them to serve themselves.

Start with showing them how to get their own water. You may need to pick out a cup with an easy on/off lid and a straw. We designated one for each kid we kept on the counter or the table. You will also need to invest in a step stool as they will need to climb up to the sink to get their water. Another great tool is the water dispenser on the refrigerator door. Some homes do not have one, and some have younger kids who can reach it and tend to make a mess. There are several ways to work through this problem. The ultimate goal is to give your preschooler some ability to get their water without you doing it for them. If they happen to spill, have paper towels available so they can also clean up their mess. (It’s just water!)

Simultaneously, you will want to allow them to start getting their simple snacks. Bananas, small baggies of pre-cut fruits and veggies, single-serve crackers, and single-serve yogurts are fantastic, regardless of age. Ensure pre-talk about what is allowed and what is available each week. Some parents may choose for their child to have that conversation EACH time they want a snack so that it doesn’t interfere with meals. Other parents may have a set snack time and boundaries on what is allowed. Follow your gut about what you think your children can handle.

When they get proficient in getting their water and simple snacks, you can begin training them to make themselves a sandwich. This step will revolutionize your life and theirs, too! You choose what type of ingredients they can use to make their sandwich. Start with supervising and observing so that you can mitigate any safety issues or issues with ingredients. Consider having them make a sandwich for you as well.