Ages 6-8 years


10 minutes


Once Weekly


Toilet brush, Comet Cleanser, Windex, Paper Towels



SNAP to it !

Toilets are pretty much the nastiest part of the house.  They harbor lots of germs, and they can smell pretty bad when they are not maintained.  My family will tell you that I have a borderline psychotic aversion to the smell of excrement, my own included.  I am a proponent of courtesy flushing each time a deposit is made into the receptacle.  I really appreciate the “pooperie” sprays on the market.  But, the most important rule I implemented in our home was scrubbing the toilet after every poop because flushing wasn’t enough.   So, when someone finished doing a number (#2) on the toilet, they used the scrub brush and Comet cleanser to clean it.  It made the job easier for the person assigned to clean bathrooms that week.

You may not have five teenagers in your home, all athletic and hormonal.  So, you may not be at that point where you would need that drastic of a rule.  But it’s great to keep in the back of your pocket when you need it.

Plan about 10-20 minutes to walk your child through each step of this task.  It won’t take long for them to understand the process and be able to handle the task in at least half the time on their own.

Scrubbing the toilet is probably the easiest part.  You sprinkle in the preferred toilet cleaner; you scrub around the entire toilet with a toilet brush and flush.  The rest of it requires a little more attention to detail.  Using Windex (it is a versatile cleaner), spray the entire toilet from top to bottom.  Then take a paper towel and wipe it clean from top to bottom, taking care to get in and around the crevices where the toilet seat bolts and covers are.  Wipe the lid, the seat, and under the seat.  Then wipe the outer bowl and down the back and sides to the floor.  This also lends itself to cleaning behind the toilet and the floor around the toilet, primarily if the toilet is housed in tight quarters.  But, you be the judge as to how you want to divide those tasks.

It is a practical and reasonable expectation to combine this task with CLEAN SINK and DAMP MOP tasks.