Ages 3-5 years


10 minutes




Bed, Blankets, Sheets, Pillows



SNAP to it !

At this point, your preschool child is transitioning to a Big Kid Bed. It is a great time to start learning how to make that bed.

Start by picking a time to make the bed and STICK WITH IT. Remember, we are working on forming good habits; this is one task that needs consistency to stick. Some parents wake their children in the morning and so they might want to choose to do it then. Some may do it after the morning rush of breakfast and getting dressed for the day. It is up to you about the time. Make sure it is time you can stick with it and help for a few weeks.

You may want to begin the training on a weekend when you have some extra time to devote to training. Play the MIRROR GAME. You don’t need any material for this game, as you can use their bed. You stand on the opposite side of the bed from your child. You tell them you are playing the mirror game. Before touching the bed, ask them to do a few fun things you will try to copy as if they were looking in the mirror. You then take a turn, and they copy you. You can play a few rounds, as this is quite a fun game. Then, you explain that when you are helping someone make a bed, it is kind of like this mirror game. Start with straightening out the first layer (flat sheet), then add the next layer (comforter or blanket). Then fold it just like you want it done. It is much easier to have the linens all even at the top and fold them down together. But, you be you. Remember, the more complicated you make it, the longer you will be doing it.

After a week or two (or maybe three),  you can let them try to do it by themselves as you watch. This is the time to fix anything about how they make it that you want to be fixed. (Use Your Words. Don’t Fix It For Them.)

Next, begin to tell them to make their bed. Then you inspect. Again, use your words! After a few weeks of demonstrating they can do it on their own, expect it. When they start to get lax, inspect and tell them what needs to be fixed. Stick around as they fix it and reinforce a job well done.