Ages 6-8 years


15-20 minutes


After Meals OR Daily


Dirty Dishes, Dishwasher, Dishwashing Detergent, stool, kid size apron, kid size rubber gloves



SNAP to it !

If you have not started with the task to UNLOAD DISHWASHER, do that first. If your child is still a bit short, get a step stool. Also, consider getting an apron to protect clothes. They will also need a scrub brush and a dish rag. I recommend a scrub brush with a handle, so their hands don’t touch the food.

Start by rinsing dishes until they look clean. It is a good practice to teach them to rinse off dishes before putting them in. This helps them get clean and increases the life of your dishwasher.

You will need to supervise the loading. Discuss your reasoning for putting things where you do. This is a trial-and-error situation. I realized that all 5 of our children load the dishwasher very differently. So, don’t pick this battle. It will not end well. Remember, the goal is to not only have them help you with keeping your home clean but also become competent. In a phrase, get over yourself.

We have tried to make it a practice to fill the dishwasher after every meal, with each being responsible for rinsing and then placing their own dish(es) and utensils in the dishwasher as they get up from the table. It works well. But there are still a few things that will need to be loaded after each meal.

After they get it filled, show them how to start the dishwasher. They have earned that privilege. This would be the time to invest in pods. It is much easier. You are welcome to take that lap and teach them how much to put in the dishwasher, but do you even know?   If you do, GOOD ON YA! I also have developed a habit of just throwing the pod into the bottom about center. I think it helps it disintegrate faster, which makes the time it washes a little longer. Again, you do you.

For energy and water conservation reasons, I encourage you only to run a full load. Some dishwashers are fancier and allow small loads.

Use signage to help with the dishwasher flow in the kitchen. You can use stickers to remind them of the buttons and cycles to use. Also, invest in a clean/dirty sign on the dishwasher. Assess if your dishwasher has the magnetic cover before buying a magnetic one, or you will end up like us and have to attach the sign to a small appliance on the counter above the dishwasher. (It even looks like it is stainless steel.)

When the dishwasher is done, have them unload it and start the cycle over again!