Ages 6-8 years


10 minutes




Trash Can, Big Trash Bags, Dryer Sheet



SNAP to it !

By now, your child has been emptying those small trash cans for a couple of years and has gotten pretty proficient.  They have grown bigger physically and can take on some extra challenges.  Enter the kitchen trash, which is the big one in most homes.

Hopefully, your kitchen trash can operates very similarly to the smaller trash cans in your home but with bigger bags and more trash in one bag.  You may have a procedure for how you like to do this.  This is the time to explain that and coach them on taking it where it belongs.  As in our preschool discussion, you always need to consider safety when it comes to kids going outside of your sight.  You make a plan with them and make sure they stick to it.

I have observed that many people also like to wash out their kitchen trash cans each time they change them.  You will need to cover this procedure with your child and help them know how you would like it done.  I suggest putting a dryer sheet on the bottom and changing it out each time.  Then clean it out with bleach monthly.  Either way, it is your call.  The big idea is for them to be helpful.