Ages 6-8 years


10 minutes per mirror


Weekly to Monthly


Mirror, Windex, Paper Towels


Kitchen, Living Room, Bathroom, Bedroom, Basement

SNAP to it !

There are a lot of tasks in this level that are very similar in process. For instance, this one is like cleaning the windows in the car. Since you will not need to clean a mirror every day or a car window every day, you could, in fact, teach your child how to do both of these tasks within the same time period. So just like cleaning the windows in the car, use Windex or an ammonia-free product. Wipe down with paper towels. 


There is an art to cleaning mirrors where no streaks are left behind. The best way is to spray the mirror and wipe the initial spray off with one or two paper towels. Then get a dry paper towel and go over where you just wiped. Then, as you move to a different section or mirror, continue using the wet paper towel for your first pass and then use the dry one to finish the job. This takes some practice, so… many verbal cues and accolades are very important. 


Some bathroom mirrors are relatively large and intimidating for an early elementary school child. So start with only assigning one of those large mirrors at a time so that the task is not so overwhelming for them. 
