Ages 1-2 years


3-5 minutes


At the end of making a fort or sitting on the couch


Couch Cushions


Living Room

SNAP to it !

Remember when you were a kid, and you worked those wooded puzzles?  You flipped that puzzle over, and all the puzzle pieces crashed onto the table.  I hope you are getting some of those pieces for your children!

Couches/Sofas (I think these words are up for debate, don’t you?  Perhaps the word “couch” is for everyday comfort, and maybe “sofa” is for the formal living room.  Whatever!  You choose but know with toddlers, you are putting that formal living room “sofa” life on hold for a while.)

So, as I was saying, couches would not be a puzzle if the pieces were not dumped out.  One might ask, “How would such a thing happen?  It’s not like we pick it up and dump it out like a wooded puzzle.”

Well, my friend, it is all about playing.  AND the best way to play with couch cushions is to build a fort.  Let the imagination run wild.

Don’t let them start jumping on the couch or the cushions.  That is outside play.

Then, clean it up just like a puzzle.  This helps with spatial recognition and the great learning things puzzles provide, only on a big scale.